April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about Parkinson’s disease and supporting those affected by it. As we prepare to show our support, we can’t help but wonder: What daily challenges do those with this condition face? Parkinson’s disease can impact various aspects of daily life, from chronic pain and difficulty breathing to motor control skills such as handwriting.
According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, individuals with Parkinson’s often experience changes in their handwriting, ranging from small writing to illegible scribbles, known as micrographia. These changes can make simple tasks like writing a grocery list or signing important documents challenging and frustrating.

April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about Parkinson’s disease and supporting those affected by it. As we prepare to show our support, we can’t help but wonder: What daily challenges do those with this condition face? Parkinson’s disease can impact various aspects of daily life, from chronic pain and difficulty breathing to motor control skills such as handwriting.
According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, individuals with Parkinson’s often experience changes in their handwriting, ranging from small writing to illegible scribbles, known as micrographia. These changes can make simple tasks like writing a grocery list or signing important documents challenging and frustrating.
While there are promising reports, there’s also a need for more scientific research on the effects of cannabis on handwriting in Parkinson’s. With further research in this area, we have the opportunity to discover new, valuable insights and ways to enhance the lives of individuals with Parkinson’s.
Current studies face their own set of challenges, like small sample sizes, inconsistent findings, and a lack of controlled clinical trials focusing on handwriting. We need more research to fully grasp the potential benefits and effects of using cannabis for improving handwriting and other motor symptoms in Parkinson’s.

While conclusive research is lacking, people with Parkinson’s and their caregivers can explore and combine unique strategies to improve handwriting. The Parkinson’s Foundation gives several suggestions to help manage micrographia, including a daily one-page writing exercise, time set aside to write while treatment methods are at their peak, and dictation software. It’s important for patients to talk to their healthcare providers about their symptoms and treatment options, including whether medical cannabis could be beneficial.
There is so much to gain from supporting research initiatives aimed at enhancing the lives of those living with Parkinson’s. It’s not just about big breakthroughs; we need research on the little things too, like handwriting, that can be real challenges for people with Parkinson’s. By pushing for more research funding and backing initiatives focused on patients, we can move closer to ensuring that people with Parkinson’s have all the treatments and support they need to thrive.
- Small handwriting. Parkinson’s Foundation. (n.d.). https://www.parkinson.org/understanding-parkinsons/non-movement-symptoms/small-handwriting
- Lotan, I., Treves, T. A., Roditi, Y., & Djaldetti, R. (2014). Cannabis (medical marijuana) treatment for motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson disease: an open-label observational study. Clinical neuropharmacology, 37(2), 41–44. https://doi.org/10.1097/WNF.0000000000000016